Monday, April 19, 2010

SWOT of Athletic Auction

I can't believe we don't have a million details to tend to, many people to answer to, and tons of projects to complete... we are finished, the event was a success, and athletics is happy!

The awesome feeling that overcame us as we looked around the gym before the event started is indescribable! Maybe because we thought all the tedious details were never going to end, but the "we did it!" feeling was incredible!

SWOT ANALYSIS- what PR event can conclude without doing a swot analysis??

* The PR DreamTeam is amazing! We all have so many qualities that truly make our team invincible! We each have characteristics that are essential to creating an awesome team that without one of us we couldn't work as well. Our individual talents balanced out to make the event a huge success!
*Tradition- the fact that this particular event happens every year, the clients and guests knew what to expect and how to do it all, even though we had no clue what we were getting into
*Client- our clients were very understanding and helpful during the whole process

*Timing- we really did everything the last two weeks before the event, even though we had all semester
*Budget- we did really well at staying within our budget, but if we had more we could have made it look even classier

*We were able to put this night together!
*We had the chance to plan a huge night like this and gain awesome, valuable experience for the future
*Made friends with people in the community

*The ticket price in this economy kept people away- not selling as many tickets as normal/not raising as much money as last year
*Not getting the word out to enough people that might have came if they knew about it
*Needs bigger/hotter items that would draw people in

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